How it Works


Use the publicly accessible Zotero database to find references and export them in your preferred format. To export, select some or all references and click the arrow in the top left corner; see the Zotero help guide for more information.


Please use this form to submit a publication for inclusion. If you have a large personal database (e.g. Endnote, Zotero, etc.) and you would like to share it, please contact us.

Once you’ve submitted a reference, it will be reviewed and included in BibDAA; this process can take days to months, depending upon availability of faculty and student organizers.


If you wish to cite the bibliography, please use this format:

Fleisher, J., M. Prendergast, K. Ranhorn, H. Woldekiros (eds.). 2021. Bibliographic Database of African Scholarship on African Archaeology.